IRI at the Governors' Climate and Forest Task Force (GCFTF)
Above: Rev. Edgar Castaño, President of the Consejo Evangélico Colombiano (CEDECOL), the national Evangelical association in Colombia, spoke during the Governors’ high-level lunch. Credit: Governors’ Climate and Forest Task Force
Caquetá, Colombia
In early May, Rt. Rev. Francisco Duque-Gomez (President of the Episcopal Church of Colombia and the Inter-religious Council of Colombia) and Reverend Edgar Castaño (President of the Consejo Evangélico Colombiano - CEDECOL) participated as invited speakers in the closing session of the GCFTF Annual Meeting. They communicated a desire to explore different ways for the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative and the GCFTF to work together and officially invited the GCFTF to undertake a pilot program with IRI in Colombia where religious leaders and governors could work together on this topic.